Tag Archive | sun

Inspirational Sun

IMG_3314There we are, finally springtime here in the Netherlands. The livingroom gets deserted in favour of the garden and salads feature back on the menu instead of stews. We celebrated Queens Day and welcomed a new King. These are the days of long evenings, white wine and a return to the old notepad because laptop screens have poor visibility in the sun.

I have finished my first part of The Caretaker with mixed feelings. Not everything flows nicely and some characters are still strangers to me. But as a first draft it stands and as such can be read here: The Caretaker index. Your comments and criticism are most welcome. It is time to move towards some action in the story and I’m really looking forward to giving that shape. So stay tuned for the next installments.

With the wine and good weather also comes more time to do some reading. There’s two books that are highly ranked on my to-read list are by two authors whose blogs I have been following with pleasure.

The first is by Charles Edward Yallowitz – Beginning of a Hero. It is the first book in the series Legends of Windermere. You can take a look at his blog here: legendsofwindemere.com.

The second book is by Elaine White – Runaway Girl. Her blog can be found here.

I have not written that many reviews but I am willing to give it a try once I finish the books.

So enjoy the sunshine and drop by anytime for a quick visit or comment.
